Junior Elite

Leading Australia’s climbing scene

Our Junior Elite team is our High Performance program dedicated to building the next generation of Australia's best climbers.

It is a competitive climbing team focused on growth and mastery of the climbing acumen to perform at the highest levels, with the goal of performing at sanctioned events. Athletes are required to be highly motivated, disciplined and hard-working. They will continue to train fundamental climbing skills, as well as focus on strength and conditioning, flexibility, mobility, mental agility, competitive mindset and injury prevention.

Junior Elite athletes are expected to commit to two State level bouldering competitions, as well as National level events should they qualify. Elite team athletes may also attend Open-level and international events provided they are eligible.

Current Junior Elite team members include competitors from state to world cup level.

The program involves:

3x 2.5h structured training sessions per week, 8 weeks supervised sessions per school term. Unsupervised scheduled training where applicable.

Personalised programming

Instruction by head coach Andrew + guest coaches throughout the year.

Training camps where applicable

Calendar focused performance

Resources available to our Elite athletes also include:

Dedicated routesetting by SCA certified routesetters + competition simulations

In-house access to physiotherapy

Training days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

Time: 6 - 8:30PM

Price: $750 per Term inc youth membership. (Payment plans available)

For expressions of interest, please fill out the form below.

Coaching Team

  • Andrew Chen


  • Pat Klein


  • Nadia Pavlova


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